

Individuals, Couples, Families

Assessment and Diagnosis

ADD/ADHD, Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Conduct Disorders and other common mental health issues


Sessions conducted by video or phone


Dave offers counseling for most mental health issues including anxiety, depression and trauma-related problems.

Dave can help you work through conflicts and behavior issues that are affecting you and your family, including problems at school and work.


Assessment and Diagnosis

Dave offers complete assessment and diagnosis of many issues such as ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Conduct Disorders and Trauma-related problems.

Many medical doctors and other healthcare practitioners refer their patients to Dave because they trust the quality of the objective testing , accuracy of test interpretation, and extensive reports he provides to them.

The documentation Dave provides has also helped hundreds of people obtain the accommodations they need at school, college and work.



Sessions can be conducted on a HIPPA-compliant video platform, video phone or phone.


Employee Assistance Programs

If your employer offers an EAP service then Dave is probably an approved provider. Just ask your human services department for Dave by name and you may be provided with one to eight sessions at no cost to you.